Self-Publishing with Dale
Self-Publishing with Dale
How Kindle Vella Helps Sell More Books with Sylvia Hubbard

How Kindle Vella Helps Sell More Books with Sylvia Hubbard

Find out how Sylvia Hubbard leveraged Kinde Vella to sell more books through Kindle Direct Publishing. While most authors aren't sure if the Kindle Vella program is right for their needs, Sylvia found a better use for it - marketing. While the guidelines state you can't share links or take people off the platform, there are no rules that limit how you use this serial story format. 

Discover what Sylvia has done to date, how to she approaches an episode release, and what she sees happening in 2022 with this new platform.


Sylvia Hubbard - 

Kindle Vella Series 1: (Amazon)

Kindle Vella Series 2: (Amazon)


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Self-Publishing with Dale
Self-Publishing with Dale
Learn how to publish books that sell and build an unstoppable author brand. The Self-Publishing with Dale Podcast is devoted to teaching you relevant and up-to-date information in the world of self-publishing. Subscribe today!